How Do I Learn to be Myself in Front of Guys?
Ladies, there is nothing more attractive to a man than a confident woman. I know a lot of women struggle with being...(read more)
Ladies, there is nothing more attractive to a man than a confident woman. I know a lot of women struggle with being...(read more)
There’s no guarantee you will be able to get him to truly like many other sports if he’s an “all football all the...(read more)
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According to, the annual revenue from the online dating industry is more than 1 billion dollars and the...(read more)
For some, the sign of fall means that leaves turn beautiful hues of red, orange and yellow. For others, it means new...(read more)
As a woman who has done a lion's share of online dating, nothing used to upset me more than men not pursuing me like I...(read more)
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If he looks at you the way Scooby Doo looks at a submarine sandwich, then he might be a player. A player sees you for your...(read more)
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