PositiveSingles: A Community Where People With STIs Can Find Dates & Support
The Short Version: The path to finding a date or partner -- often full of trip-hazards and pitfalls -- can be difficult to...(read more)
The Short Version: The path to finding a date or partner -- often full of trip-hazards and pitfalls -- can be difficult to...(read more)
If you're considering downloading Tinder for the first time, you may wonder how Tinder works. This article has the answers...(read more)
The Short Version: As online dating becomes more common among singles (and more lucrative among businesses), niche dating...(read more)
Dating simulator games have been popular among singles for generations....(read more)
The Short Version: A website with heart, Growing Self offers effective therapy; marriage counseling; love, life, and career...(read more)
The Short Version: From 2009 to 2013, professional matchmakers JoAnn and Steve Ward hosted VH1’s "Tough Love." Over the...(read more)
When I first heard the word "Zoosk" several years ago, I thought, "What the heck is Zoosk?" Is it the name of an exotic fruit...(read more)
The Short Version: Age-gap romance can be difficult to find in the real world, but Toyboy Warehouse provides a place to...(read more)
The Short Version: Your church isn’t the only place to meet single Christians -- Christian Connection is a dating site...(read more)
The Short Version: While it began a few years ago as a hackathon project to benefit Rock the Vote, the Android app candiDate...(read more)