Domestic Violence Resources Directory » Kentucky

Domestic Violence Resources Directory » Kentucky

Looking for a Domestic Violence Resource in Louisville/Jefferson County, Lexington-Fayette, Bowling Green, Owensboro or surrounding areas? See below for Kentucky‘s top Domestic Violence Resources.

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No More

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: NO MORE is a unifying symbol and campaign to raise public awareness and engage bystanders around ending domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • History: Launched in March 2013 by a coalition of leading advocacy groups, service providers, the U.S. Department of Justice and major...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:


Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Loveisrespect’s mission is to engage, educate and empower young people to prevent and end abusive relationships.
  • History: Loveisrespect (originally loveisrespect, National Dating Abuse Helpline) was launched in February 2007 as a project of the Na...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 1-866-331-9474

National Center On Domestic and Sexual Violence

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: The National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence designs, provides and customizes training and consultation; influences policy, promotes collaboration; and enhances diversity with the goal of ending domestic and sexual violence.
  • History: When Deborah D. Tucker, MPA, and Sarah M. Buel, JD, founded the National Training Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence in 1...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 512-407-9020

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: The NRCDV strives to be a trusted national leader and sustainable organization, renowned for innovation, multi-disciplinary approaches and a commitment to ensuring that policy, practice and research is grounded in and guided by the voices and experiences of domestic violence survivors and advocates.
  • History: After being established in 1993 with funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Resour...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 800-799-7233

Fort Refuge

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: We provide a platform for abuse survivors to talk to each other anonymously about the trauma we've been through and the aftermath it left us with; about coping with and recovering from it, to rebuild our lives. There are no counselors and no crisis services on site, we're a strictly peer community.
  • History: Fort was founded by Lala on February 29th, 2008 and has been growing and evolving ever since, as thousands of survivors contr...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: http:///


Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: When you're experiencing a crisis, asking for help--whether from a friend, a parent, or a professional--is the best thing you can do.
  • History: A community to share writing, connect with other readers, and discover new stories and authors.
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help:, hosted by Break the Cycle, is the online hub for promotion of Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month in February.
  • History: offers resources for youth, adults and communities that want to get involved and learn more about dating abus...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 1-866-3331-9474

Committee for Safety of Foreign Exchange Students

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: As an organization, CSFES strives for cooperative relationships with exchange programs, based on the explicit understanding that CSFES will always prioritize exchange student safety above all other concerns.
  • History: CSFES is a California-based 501(c)3 non-profit corporation advocating the safety, protection and well being of exchange stude...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 760-583-9593

Military OneSource

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Offering resources, referrals, consultations and counseling services on the issues that concern military families; 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year
  • History: Military OneSource is a confidential Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 1-800-342-9647

Not Under Bondage: Abuse, Adultery and Desertion

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Does the Bible permit divorce for domestic abuse? May a divorced Christian remarry? Christian teaching on divorce and remarriage has varied widely. Interpretation of the biblical texts on divorce and remarriage has been hotly contested and the debate is still very much alive.
  • History:
    She was converted to Christ in 1981 but for a long time had minimal biblical teaching and lingering confusion due to her former beliefs. She got sidetracked into other areas and did not get to church for nearly 14 years. Unaware that Christians should avoid marrying non-Christians, she married an unbeliever in 1989 and the couple had one daughter.

    The marriage gradually became abusive and she occasionally took refuge in a women’s shelter. In 1994 she left her husband and started attending church and Bible study. That was when she became a professing Christian. Child custody was contested but eventually awarded to Barbara, with the husband granted access.

    After four years her separated husband made a profession of faith and they reconciled as a married couple. The abuse recurred and she separated for the last time in 1999, divorcing a few years after that.

    Many years later, she met a man who attested to being a fellow survivor of domestic abuse, and who assured her that he passionately supported her work on domestic abuse. He appeared to be a genuine Christian. She married this man in 2010 but the marriage ended in 2012 because of abuse. What he said didn't end up matching what he did.">Barbara Roberts has been raising awareness of domestic abuse within the conservative evangelical church since 1999. She is a ...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

Jennifer Ann's Group

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Preventing teen dating violence through awareness, education, and advocacy (+video games) in memory of Jennifer Ann Crecente
  • History:
    Good, decent people that want to help out a friend are sometimes murdered in cold blood.

    And the bogeyman isn't always under the bed.

    Sometimes he's the kid that lives down the street.

    Our organization is going to do everything that it can to ensure that no other parent has to be awakened in the middle of the night by friends pounding on the door. No more groggy-eyed astonishment. No more shocked out-of-body emptiness.

    No more realization that nothing will ever be the same again. Nothing.

    We will educate young people about danger signs. About warning signals. About indications that they are in above their heads and not immortal.

    And then we'll point them in the right direction - toward the many groups that offer assistance, counseling and protection. We will not rest until every young person has been educated about an epidemic that impacts over 20% of our teenage population*.

    Ignorance will not be an excuse. We won't stop until this knowledge is as fundamental as looking both ways when you cross the street.

    I can't bring my baby back. Jennifer is gone, and as powerless as I may be about that, I refuse to allow this to continue unabated. Please join our forum on Teen Dating Violence so that you can join in conversations about this worldwide problem. We are a young organization but have ambition, passion and an energy borne of desperation.

    Please keep Jennifer in your hearts and prayers. I sincerely wish you could have known her.">Jennifer Ann Crecente was a high school honors student that was murdered by an ex-boyfriend on February 15, 2006. Our group w...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: The Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence mobilizes and supports member programs and allies to end intimate partner violence.
  • History: Community awareness of the pervasiveness and severity of domestic violence in Kentucky heightened in the late 1970’s. The Y...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 502-209-5382

Center For Survivor Agency & Justice

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: The Center for Survivor Agency and Justice is a national organization dedicated to enhancing advocacy for survivors of intimate partner violence.
  • History: The Center for Survivor Agency and Justice fosters systemic change that better aligns what communities provide with what work...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

Little Warriors

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Little Warriors is committed to providing awareness and information about child sexual abuse, providing prevention strategies and extending information about healing and support.
  • History: Founded in 2008, Little Warriors is a national organization committed to the awareness, prevention and treatment of child sex...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 855-922-9010

Click to Empower - Allstate Foundation

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: The Allstate Foundation helps domestic violence survivors prepare for the future by helping them better understand and manage their personal finances.
  • History: Nearly 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence during their lifetime. And, research shows that lacking financial knowledge ...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: (847) 402-5600

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is the international men's march to stop rape, sexual assault and gender violence.
  • History: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes provides news, commentary and philosophy relevant to ending sexualized violence and masculinities.
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

Women's Coalition of St. Croix

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: WCSC is a grassroots organization, providing assistance and advocacy to victims of crime and families in need on St. Croix, in the U. S. Virgin Islands including 24-hour crisis intervention, counseling and emergency shelter.
  • History: In 1981, a symposium for women writers, including Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich and Dr. Gloria Joseph, was held at the College o...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 340-773-9272

Family of Men Support Society

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Men are looking for non-judgmental people to just listen to their problems. Whether they are perpetrators, 12%, or victims of the system, 88%, they just want to have a non-judgmental person listen to them and verify that they are not the only man experiencing what they are going through.
  • History: For more than 10 years the Family of Men has operated a telephone crisis line.The daily averages of callers are 2 per day. Of...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 403-242-4077

Arts & Healing Network

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: AHN is an online resource for anyone interested in the transformational power of art.
  • History: The Arts & Healing Network offers a wealth of information about using art to heal oneself, another person, a community and/or...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

Resource For A Recourse

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Essentially, this site is meant to provide accurate and relevant information and resources to anyone in an abusive situation now, anyone who has been in an abusive situation in the past, or those trying to help someone in an abusive situation
  • History: As an administrator of the Perverted Justice Foundation, I've often been asked questions regarding the statues of limitation ...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

VINE: Victim Information and Notification Every Day

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: VINELink allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day.
  • History: Mary had been raped, assaulted, and stalked by her former boyfriend in late 1993. He was arrested and jailed for these crimes...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: Resources for ritual abuse survivors, mind control survivors, their therapists, ministers, families, friends, and researchers
  • History: We have been collecting these resources since 1995, so many books are now out of print and many websites are no longer on the...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number:

The Mary Byron Project

Domestic Violence Resource

  • How We Help: The Mary Byron Project's mission is to foster innovations and strategies to end domestic violence.
  • History: The Mary Byron Project was established in 2000 in memory of the young woman whose tragic murder led to the creation of automa...(read more)
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: 1-866-264-6684
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