Eft Universe Offers Resources For Daters

Women's Dating

The EFT Universe Platform Provides Self-Care Resources for Anxious Daters

Ashayla Blakely

Written by: Ashayla Blakely

Ashayla Blakely

Ashayla Blakely is an experienced storyteller who has fun writing authentic and relatable content for DatingAdvice.com. As a hopeless romantic, Ashayla has always enjoyed sharing good conversation and advice about dating. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Telecommunications from the University of Florida. She is currently enrolled in the graduate program at Florida State University's film school. You can often catch her with a script in her hand, calling out the shots in her many directorial roles on set.

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Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

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The Short Version: Self-care is fundamental to dating success. Those who practice self-care routines on a regular basis tend to excel in life. Thanks to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Universe platform people have a chance at discovering what true healing is. EFT Universe offers singles access to a ton of self-care resources and a warm environment for growth. For those who need a push in the right direction, EFT Universe has a team ready and willing to help you find the healing and self-love that you need and deserve. 

Practicing self-care is necessary for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of yourself not only helps you but others around you at the end of the day. We’ve all heard the phrase, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” before. Singles trying to get out there with no sense of self-awareness or self-love can struggle to date successfully.

That’s why it’s important for daters to sometimes take a step back and get the self-care they need to feel more secure and in tune with themselves. 

It took me a while to understand what self-care was for me and how to obtain it. It wasn’t until I realized that staying in watching my favorite movie with popcorn in hand is my way of treating myself. Self-care is different for everyone. Some may find reading a book or doing pilates as a form of self-care. Regardless of how you take care of yourself, it’s imperative to learn what self-care is for you, and you should practice it on a regular basis. 

To help people find healing and learn how to incorporate self-care into their life, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Universe uses different techniques to ensure people achieve balance in their life. EFT Universe was founded in 2010 by healthcare researcher, Dawson Church. When Dawson created EFT Universe, his primary goal was to help bring healing to those in need. 

Dawson has conducted research and completed dozens of clinical trials to make EFT Universe solutions available to people who need them. Whether you’re trying to recover from a bad breakup or regain that confidence you need to get back out there and date again, the EFT Universe team has what it takes to help you get where you want to be.  

“We have a passion for seeing people heal, and we know that EFT is one of the quickest and simplest ways to produce healing,” said the EFT Universe team. “That healing can encompass body, mind, emotions, and spirituality. When one part of our experience is healed, such as anxiety or depression, symptoms like physical pain often improve. We celebrate the values of love, joy, strength, wisdom, and peace throughout our organization!”

Reaching Over 10 Million People A Year

Since it launched, EFT Universe consistently reaches over 10 million people a year. The company can do this by connecting with people through various talk shows, social media platforms, and books. Although, EFT Universe has such a nice strategy for reaching people it really is the connection and sense of community that draws people in. 

The first step singles should take before considering dating is to examine their mental and emotional well-being. Dating requires a lot from you, and if you’re not taking care of yourself, you can find yourself getting burnt out easily. 

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Dawson Church and the EFT Universe team aim to support people.

Mirjam Paninski, EFT Universe Consciousness Programs Director, told us that her practice has evolved over the years from clinical EFT to the deep inner-child and ancestral healing journeys. Her ability to connect with EFT Universe members comes from her experience in trying to find healing herself. 

“I had done extensive research around trauma and because of this and my healing journey,” said Mirjam. “I have myself grown up in a paradox of a very rich spiritual community and was raised meditating in Ashrams around the world, blessed with otherworldly teachers and profound experiences as well as systematic abuse, verbal and physical, that left me feeling confused, humiliated and unworthy. I pursued a deep journey of healing and integration. My trauma transformed into this blessing in disguise.”

Singles looking for a strong support system can find that the EFT Universe team has nothing but love and support for them. Most of EFT Universe’s team consists of people who understand that healing is a journey that is not linear. It’s not something that will come overnight –– for some, it might take a few months or years. Regardless of the time you need, EFT Universe is committed to being with you every step of the way. 

Tapping Into A Different Level of Mindfulness

It’s normal to feel disappointed after you’ve experienced a failed date –– especially if you liked the person. Investing so much time in someone who turns out not to be the one can be so draining. The aftermath of it all can lead many singles to lose faith in the whole dating process. But before we throw the towel in and believe that all hope is lost, we need to take a step back from dating and mentally prepare ourselves for success. 

The EFT Universe strongly believes that you deserve a great life! Not only do they believe you deserve it, but they have the right tools to help you reach it. EFT Universe offers an array of courses such as mindfulness and EFT tapping training. These courses help singles identify their struggles and teach them how to overcome them. EFT has conducted over 100 clinical trials to provide members with research-based solutions that can be supported by science. 

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Emotional Freedom Technique help singles find the healing they need to flourish.

“I have been blessed to witness many transformations: women who had experienced disease and the full range of trauma, including sexual and racial violence, who embraced and processed their journey in a way that doesn’t just serve them in miraculous ways but also others who they shared their healing gifts with. I have witnessed people experience exuberant joy and liberation they never thought possible,” said Mirjam. 

The benefits of EFT are far too grand to try to single out but the main thing people gain from it is peace of mind. By tapping into a different level of mindfulness, anyone can obtain the life they envision. The mind is very powerful and entertaining the wrong thoughts can leave you in bondage. Practicing EFT can look like spending just seven minutes of meditation per day. 

Mirjam told us that EFT and mindfulness are very similar and help people get in touch with their emotions. Mindfulness allows us to learn how to pay attention to expressions and patterns. And EFT helps us teach our bodies, our nervous system how to feel safe when we feel different emotions and identify patterns –– which in the long run will help us reach dating success.

EFT Universe Believes Everyone Deserves to Find Healing

Everyone deserves a happy ending and true peace of mind. To achieve this, we must take action to find healing. That’s how we help create a better future for ourselves and those around us. Daters should understand that taking care of themselves and developing self-love will ultimately help them in their dating process.

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People can test out EFT for themselves!

Mirjam said that she would argue that EFT is one of the most effective tools to deeply, sustainably, and safely process and release deep emotional imprints. People who never thought they could escape certain thoughts or feel true joy again soon discover that with EFT’s help, it is possible. 

Singles having a hard time connecting and being vulnerable with others can find EFT helpful in getting them to open up. Past trauma and toxic patterns we try to escape always come back and bite us if we don’t deal with them appropriately. That’s why inner healing is necessary for singles looking for a relationship. And even when you find yourself healing, you can never get enough self-care!