I’m Dating a Wonderful But Not Hot Guy. Should I End It?
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If you’re anything like me, you’re a fan of the popular TV show “What Not to Wear” and are even starting to mourn...(read more)
This is an exclusive study conducted by DatingAdvice.com, which surveyed respondents over the course of three weeks to...(read more)
It turns out movies and television may have had it right all along, portraying men as more interested in physical beauty than...(read more)
I know what the mainstream media tells us -- sexual attractiveness is the most important dating quality. I will agree with...(read more)
How long a man envisions spending with a particular female partner may have a lot to do with the femininity of her facial...(read more)
How you keep your bedroom can reveal what kind of relationship you have, according to research by the University of Texas....(read more)
If people notice you when you walk into a room, it means you’ve already put your best foot forward....(read more)
Does having a tattoo affect a woman's chances of being approached by men?...(read more)
When it comes to choosing an outfit for dates number one, two or three (or even dressing for a coffee meet and greet), you...(read more)