All articles tagged "Facebook" (page 2)

What Your Facebook Status Says About You

What Your Facebook Status Says About You

By: Dr. Wendy Walsh • 8/5/22

When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg added the relationship status to the personal profiles, he probably didn't envision the...(read more)

New Research Examines Why People Stalk Their Partners on Facebook

New Research Examines Why People Stalk Their Partners on Facebook

By: C. Price • 8/5/22

The practice of keeping tabs on what your partner is (or is not) up to has existed long before social media came along....(read more)

Study: Too Many Facebook Selfies Could Harm Your Relationship

Study: Too Many Facebook Selfies Could Harm Your Relationship

By: C. Price • 7/29/22

Selfies, those self-taken photographs often snapped while staring into a bathroom mirror, have become sort of a calling card...(read more)

Would You Send a Facebook Friend Request Before a Date?

By: Julie Spira • 7/31/22

Call me old-fashioned, but at least my guy and I are on the same digital page....(read more)

Using Facebook Too Much Could Harm Your Relationship, Study Suggests

Using Facebook Too Much Could Harm Your Relationship, Study Suggests

By: C. Price • 8/8/22

While social media has opened up a broad new spectrum of communication possibilities, research finds excessive use of...(read more)

The Dumbest Thing You Could Ever Tweet

The Dumbest Thing You Could Ever Tweet

By: David Wygant • 8/8/22

Did you guys see Amanda Bynes when she was all over Twitter? She actually tweeted, “I want Drake to murder my vagina.”...(read more)

Social Media Users Often Struggle with Digital Breakups

Social Media Users Often Struggle with Digital Breakups

By: C. Price • 7/28/22

Do you have trouble removing exes from Twitter or deleting old photos from Facebook?...(read more)

4 Reasons Your Ex Keeps Liking Your Facebook Posts

4 Reasons Your Ex Keeps Liking Your Facebook Posts

By: Gina Stewart • 1/27/24

When you remain Facebook friends with your ex, it means they can keep tabs on you. They can see who you’re going out with...(read more)

The More Past Relationships a Person Has, The More Interests They List on Facebook

The More Past Relationships a Person Has, The More Interests They List on Facebook

By: C. Price • 5/11/23

Do your interests listed on your Facebook page reflect how many relationships you've had?...(read more)

Dating and Social Media

By: Jonathan Welford • 9/25/14

In this digital age, we are all connected. ...(read more)