All articles tagged "Facebook" (page 3)

Researchers Determine Facebook Users’ Sexual Orientation with 75-88% Accuracy

Researchers Determine Facebook Users’ Sexual Orientation with 75-88% Accuracy

By: C. Price • 3/21/23

How much do Facebook “Likes” reveal about a person?...(read more)

I Hacked Into His Facebook Account. Can You Help Me Regain His Trust?

By: Dr. Wendy Walsh • 9/25/14

Reader Question: ...(read more)

1 in 3 People Feel More Dissatisfied with Lives After Visiting Facebook

1 in 3 People Feel More Dissatisfied with Lives After Visiting Facebook

By: C. Price • 12/4/24

If spending a few minutes browsing Facebook leaves you feeling vaguely dissatisfied, you’re not alone....(read more)

High Facebook Activity Leads to Lower Relationship Satisfaction

High Facebook Activity Leads to Lower Relationship Satisfaction

By: C. Price • 12/10/24

A study coming out of the University of Kansas found individuals who are highly active on social media sites like Facebook...(read more)

Study Promotes Safe Sex Through Facebook

Study Promotes Safe Sex Through Facebook

By: C. Price • 7/30/22

Can Facebook and other social media sites be used to promote positive habits, such as safe sex? An academic study aimed to...(read more)

Study: Facebook Stalking Stunts Ability to “Get Over” an Ex

Study: Facebook Stalking Stunts Ability to “Get Over” an Ex

By: C. Price • 5/14/18

A recent study indicates that “Facebook stalking” your exes makes it harder to get over them and move on with new...(read more)

How “Facebook Stalking” Your Ex Actually Hurts You

How “Facebook Stalking” Your Ex Actually Hurts You

By: Dr. Wendy Walsh • 6/17/15

I read a funny joke the other day. A woman on a date said “I’m so happy that we’ve gotten close enough now that you can...(read more)

How to Get Her to Change Her Relationship Status

How to Get Her to Change Her Relationship Status

By: Kara Pound • 9/25/14

When you’re in a new relationship and a woman still hasn’t changed her online relationship status, how do you deal with...(read more)

He Hasn’t Asked to Be Facebook Friends. Do I Tell Him How I Feel?

By: Dr. Wendy Walsh • 9/25/14

Reader Question: ...(read more)

I Saw His Conversation With Another Girl. Was it Wrong to Snoop?

By: Dr. Wendy Walsh • 9/25/14

Reader Question: ...(read more)