Does He Treat You Like a “Queen”?
Growing up gay, we didn’t receive any socialization on certain rites of passage when it comes to love and relationships....(read more)
Growing up gay, we didn’t receive any socialization on certain rites of passage when it comes to love and relationships....(read more)
Just how important are the bonds between straight women and gay men when it comes to exchanging trustworthy dating advice?...(read more)
Recently I have had lots of correspondence from guys who have accidentally got involved with men who are either married or...(read more)
The gay world can be very open minded about many things. In previous decades, being gay seemed to eradicate (for a while...(read more)
A study suggests straight men suffer more depression than gay and bisexual men....(read more)
When you break up with a boyfriend, it can feel like your whole world is crashing down around you as you try to make sense of...(read more)
Here we are again. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and you might be asking yourself why you are spending another...(read more)
If you’re single, and don’t want to be, the Valentine’s Day holiday can be torture....(read more)
Reader Question: ...(read more)
I’ll start this with a story from my dating past. ...(read more)