All articles tagged "Relationships" (101)

5 Experts Name the Best Dating Sites for Relationships (2025)

5 Experts Name the Best Dating Sites for Relationships (2025)

By: Sheena Holt • 12/11/24

For singles who want to find love online, encountering a ton of casual daters can be disheartening. If you feel like everyone...(read more)

Understanding Relationship Status: What It Means & Why It Matters

Understanding Relationship Status: What It Means & Why It Matters

By: Amber Brooks • 6/25/24

What is a relationship status? It's simply where you're at in terms of romance. When asked if you’re single or seeing...(read more)

What Does “Gaslighting” Mean in Relationships? Tactics, Blame, and Your Self-Esteem

What Does “Gaslighting” Mean in Relationships? Tactics, Blame, and Your Self-Esteem

By: Karen Belz • 5/14/24

"Gaslighting" is a popular term when it comes to relationship issues — but this buzzword can be misunderstood and misused....(read more)

Nearly 75% of Americans Choose Their Phones Over Their Perfect Match

Nearly 75% of Americans Choose Their Phones Over Their Perfect Match

By: Jamie Ballard • 12/13/23

How much screen time is too much? Asking for a friend, of course....(read more)

6 Common Dating Dealbreakers (& Why They May Not Matter)

6 Common Dating Dealbreakers (& Why They May Not Matter)

By: Karen Belz • 1/24/24

Sometimes, you think you've met the perfect person — until they suddenly drop a bombshell you can't ignore. While we all...(read more)

Doc Love’s Advice for Men: Don’t Be a Toddler With Ms. Right

Doc Love’s Advice for Men: Don’t Be a Toddler With Ms. Right

By: Doc Love • 8/17/23

What is one of the defining behaviors of toddlers? Lack of impulse control. They want, so they grab. And that's okay because,...(read more)

How Long Before Becoming Official? A Guide for Lesbian Couples

How Long Before Becoming Official? A Guide for Lesbian Couples

By: Pamela Gort • 6/8/23

When two women come together in a romantic relationship, it's a beautiful thing. The journey to official status can be...(read more)

7 Stressors Lesbian Couples Face in Their Relationships (Expert Advice)

7 Stressors Lesbian Couples Face in Their Relationships (Expert Advice)

By: Pamela Gort • 5/2/23

Lesbians in a committed relationship may experience a wide range of stressors, including some unique to lesbians, that can...(read more)

5 Lesbian Relationship Stereotypes (And the Truth Behind Them)

5 Lesbian Relationship Stereotypes (And the Truth Behind Them)

By: Pamela Gort • 2/6/23

Myths and stereotypes abound around every major group of people, including lesbian and queer women. Lesbian relationship...(read more)

10 Fun Relationship Quizzes for Singles & Couples (2024)

10 Fun Relationship Quizzes for Singles & Couples (2024)

By: Amber Brooks • 1/24/24

Fun relationship quizzes can be a great tool for singles and couples alike. If you’re single, a relationship quiz can help...(read more)