All articles tagged "Types of Daters" (page 26)

Do Men Like Aggressive Women?

By: Nick Slade • 9/25/14

"Aggressive" often carries the connotation of hostility and belligerence, which men don’t like in women and women don’t...(read more)

I Feel Canadians Are Open to Interracial Dating. Why is This?

By: Dr. Wendy Walsh • 9/25/14

Reader Question: ...(read more)

Why People Date Outside Their League

Why People Date Outside Their League

By: Dr. Wendy Walsh • 6/16/15

As humans, we have evolved to compete. Indeed, we compete for everything from jobs to parking spots. But perhaps the biggest...(read more)

Are Men Picky Daters?

Are Men Picky Daters?

By: Sam Stieler • 9/25/14

We like to entertain the cultural belief that men are anything but picky daters and are ready, willing and able to sleep with...(read more)

How Can I Get Her to Like Public Displays of Affection?

By: Kara Pound • 9/25/14

Public displays of affection are acts of physical intimacy in the view of others. This can range from a closed-mouth kiss...(read more)

Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last?

Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last?

By: Bethany Heinesh • 6/16/15

All too often, I meet men who teeter dangerously on the edge of giving up hope that they will find lasting love. Why? Because...(read more)

Will Older Men Date Independent Women?

Will Older Men Date Independent Women?

By: Sam Stieler • 9/25/14

Older men and younger women have a lot to offer each other when it comes to dating, but they also have a few potential...(read more)

How Do I Choose Between Two People?

By: Nick Slade • 9/25/14

When it rains, it pours. For weeks or months we can’t seem to find a woman who we are attracted to, and when we finally...(read more)

Why Do People Not Like to Date Others Who Don’t Drink?

By: Nick Slade • 9/25/14

Sometimes people make broad assumptions about others based on one small detail of their behavior or personality. If a woman...(read more)

How Do I Know if She is Someone to Have Children With?

By: Bethany Heinesh • 9/25/14

Having a child is a huge responsibility, one that requires an incredible amount of work, time and energy — not to mention...(read more)