The 6 Worst Breeds of Boyfriend in the World
At last you’re ready for a relationship. You want to find the right girl who fulfills your needs while you satisfy hers....(read more)
At last you’re ready for a relationship. You want to find the right girl who fulfills your needs while you satisfy hers....(read more)
Oftentimes the focus of dating is to determine if a potential partner is a true match....(read more)
How we judge the attractiveness of a potential romantic partner is often broken into categories of beauty, charisma and...(read more)
Searching for Mr. Right can be a numbers game (the more men you date, the more insight you have into what you are looking for...(read more)
I identify as queer and really enjoy being with women. I have been with women sexually and dated a few of them, but I've...(read more)
Is there hope for neurotic people through the healing power of love? That's the belief at the center of a new study....(read more)
The perfect dessert for a first date may turn out to be a slice of humble pie....(read more)
Lipstick lesbians, or shall we say feminine-looking lesbians, have a hard time getting dates with lesbians. Most lesbians...(read more)
In order to date other people happily and courageously, I believe we need to start by dating ourselves....(read more)
In a landmark book, neuroscientist Paul MacLean proposed that a "reptilian complex" was responsible for instinctual behaviors...(read more)