How The Aavia App Helps Track Hormone Health

Women's Dating

Not Your Average Period Tracker: How the Aavia App Helps Track Hormone Health

Jules Chen

Written by: Jules Chen

Jules Chen

Jules Chen is a Texas-based writer who has been featured on feminist blogs and lifestyle magazines. She graduated from Emory University with dual degrees in English Literature and Chinese Studies. She has served as the managing editor of Lithium Magazine where she worked with a talented team of writers covering lifestyle and pop culture. Her lifestyle writing has been published at Betches, TimeOut, Adolescent Content, and Niche, Inc.

Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

Reviewed by: Amber Brooks

Amber Brooks

Amber Brooks is the Editor-in-Chief at When she was growing up, her family teased her for being "boy crazy," but she preferred to think of herself as a budding dating and relationship expert. As an English major at the University of Florida, Amber honed her communication skills to write clearly, knowledgeably, and passionately about a variety of subjects. Now with over 1,800 lifestyle articles to her name, Amber brings her tireless wit and relatable experiences to She has been quoted as a dating expert by The Washington Times, Cosmopolitan, The New York Post, Bustle, Salon, Well+Good, and AskMen.

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The Short Version: Aavia is an app that tracks your hormone health symptoms to provide personalized insights on your cycle. With Aavia’s help, you can gain a better understanding of when to expect cramps, low energy, and mood swings–and how to live your best life with them. Julia Pintar, Aavia team member and hormone health content creator, shares insights on how the app works and how you can use it to get in touch with your cycle.

In the days leading up to my period, I usually get headaches, feel depressed, and lack the energy to do the things I love. But the worst part is that I never see these symptoms coming–I’ll just get my period afterward and think, Oh, that explains why I felt like crap for the past few days! 

Enter Aavia, a women-owned app built with the support of leading clinicians to help users learn about and better understand their hormone cycles. With Aavia, you’ll be able to track symptoms like mine so that you’re never caught off guard again. As it gets to know the patterns of your body, the app also provides personalized insights on how your cycle impacts your skin, sleep, mental health, and more.

Julia Pintar, growth marketer at Aavia and the face behind @lutealgirl on TikTok, sat down with us to share more about Aavia’s mission and how she recommends users make the most of their experience on the app. 

How the App Works

Aavia is more than a period tracker–the app is designed to help users understand the role of their hormone cycles in every aspect of life. Plus, after anonymously signing in, your privacy remains completely protected because Aavia will never sell or share your personal data. 

Aavia logo
Aavia brings hormone health front and center with clear data and recommendations.

“We have over 30 categories that you can log, including your mood, energy, sleep, skin, poop, discharge, workouts. And then when you log that, you’ll see that you’re feeling happier this week, or that your skin is breaking out this week,” explained Julia. 

In addition to its MIT-alum co-founders and CEO, Aavia also boasts a medical advisory board. Dr. Uma Lerner, a reproductive health psychiatrist, and Dr. Staci Tanouye, an OB/GYN, back the app so you can rest assured knowing that the recommendations you receive are doctor-approved and science-supported. 

“We also have a trends tab that we built with our doctors that shows our users a direct percentage breakdown by phase. For example, you might see that you tend to log acne breakouts in the follicular phase in the first half of your cycle,” said Julia. 

The Wide World of Hormone Health

A variety of concerns can be addressed under the umbrella of hormone health, and your personal reason for seeking out Aavia may differ from that of other members. 

“A lot of people come in wanting to learn more about themselves. They feel moody or have breakouts or feel like they’re picking fights, oftentimes just randomly. And they’re not understanding that it might have to do with their cycle,” said Julia.

But it’s no secret that the traditional sex education many of us received in school lacked the scope to teach topics beyond the basics. Aavia is built on the belief that hormone health information should be included in those basics. 

“Maybe in middle or high school, they were sent to segregated sex education and learned how to put a tampon in and use protection. But no one really teaches people with ovaries about the ovarian hormone cycle and how much it impacts you and how much you can optimize around that,” continued Julia. 

Aavia screenshot
The app is building a positive community for people with ovaries.

Aavia also seeks to bring light to hormone conditions that are less frequently discussed. Whether through a lack of mainstream conversation and accessible information, or due to discouraging conversations with doctors, there are a variety of reasons why people suffer with no diagnosis. 

For instance, around 1.6% of women and girls worldwide experience symptomatic premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD, but many people lament the lack of awareness surrounding the condition. In a post titled “Why does no one know about PMDD?”, one Reddit user describes doctors who don’t seem to understand the condition or its consequences; in another post listing tips for seeking a PMDD diagnosis, one user advises getting a doctor who will listen: “Don’t accept a doctor who won’t.”

“We recently released our PMDD condition alerting feature for members who have logged for three months or more,” said Julia. “Then, we can see if their symptoms align with the PMDD diagnostic criteria and give them a little alert that says, hey, it looks like your logs look similar to that of a PMDD diagnosis.”

How Aavia Can Help Your Relationship

If you think hormone tracking only benefits you, you’re wrong. Aavia’s benefits extend beyond your personal health and into your relationships as well. While you may know that your period is coming soon when you find yourself sobbing over videos of adorable baby animals, your partner might not be as clued in.

Aavia app screenshot
Knowing more about your cycle can help you understand your sex drive.

“What I find really helpful is our little forecasting feature. You can see in emojis–am I going to be smiling today, or am I going to be shedding some tears and picking some fights?” said Julia. “Your mood changes so much throughout your cycle, and with Aavia, you’re able to have clear conversations, like, ‘I love you, but I’m not in the best mood, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with our relationship.’”

Ever looked at your partner while on your period and wondered why you don’t want to have sex with them when they’re usually so perfect–and then immediately felt bad for even thinking about it? When you choose to track your hormone cycle, you can gain insight into the reasons behind these feelings because your body can also send you signals that aren’t always aligned with how your brain feels. 

Being armed with this knowledge better equips you to initiate healthy, meaningful conversations with your partner ahead of time and give a heads-up on your emotional state, deepening your relationship and allowing your partner to understand your health. 

“There’s also a lot of doubt in relationships–maybe the week after ovulation has already passed, you’re less aroused,” continued Julia. “That can be stressful, but understanding that this is just a normal part of your hormone cycle is important.”

Try Aavia to Get in Harmony With Your Hormone Health

Aavia’s testimonials speak for themselves. “This app has saved me and keeps me more at ease with my PCOS and PMDD. Thank you so much for creating it,” said one member.

Another five-star reviewer shared, “THIS IS WHAT I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR. My period from the beginning has been the roughest thing and I’m so bad at tracking because all the apps are so unmotivating and don’t have the right symptoms but THIS. OMG.”

Aavia enables you to harness your health data and access insights that will change the way you live. You’ll learn everything you should’ve learned in school, and then some. If you’re ready to take the next step in tracking and understanding your health, learn more about Aavia today and download it for iOS from the App Store.