

Study Finds Men in Same-Sex Marriages Are Living Longer

C. Price

Written by: C. Price

C. Price

C. Price is part of DatingAdvice.com's content team. She writes advice articles, how-to guides, and studies — all relating to dating, relationships, love, sex, and more.

Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

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Reviewed by: Amber Brooks

Amber Brooks

Amber Brooks is the Editor-in-Chief at DatingAdvice.com. When she was growing up, her family teased her for being "boy crazy," but she preferred to think of herself as a budding dating and relationship expert. As an English major at the University of Florida, Amber honed her communication skills to write clearly, knowledgeably, and passionately about a variety of subjects. Now with over 1,800 lifestyle articles to her name, Amber brings her tireless wit and relatable experiences to DatingAdvice.com. She has been quoted as a dating expert by The Washington Times, Cosmopolitan, The New York Post, Bustle, Salon, Well+Good, and AskMen.

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Marriage has been shown to lower mortality rates among heterosexuals, and it looks like men in same-sex marriages may share this same marital benefit.

A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology found men in same-sex marriages had a slightly lower mortality rate than unmarried or divorced homosexuals.

Researchers suggest this decline correlates with advances in HIV/AIDS treatment.

However, mortality rates among married lesbians actually rose over the course of the study. These rates are now higher than both married gay men and cohabitating straight couples.

“Men in same-sex marriages had a lower mortality

rate than unmarried or divorced homosexuals.”

While the study found married heterosexual people have considerably lower mortality rates than married gay people, the quality of a marriage significantly affects mortality rates.

Straight married couples who live apart had twice the mortality rate of cohabitating married couples, and mortality rates jumped for straight people every time they remarried, 27% for women and 16% for men.

Researchers note higher mortality rates for married heterosexual couples may have to do with income, health care and social support.

The study used Denmark’s civil registry to follow 6.5 million people over the course of 29 years (1982-2011). Since homosexual couples made up less than 1% of the study’s participants, authors said more research needs to be done.

“Future studies of health patterns among homosexual persons will gain statistical power, and presumably be more representative of the target population,” researchers wrote.

Source: The International Journal of Epidemiology via The Los Angeles Times.