3 First Date Topics For Baby Boomer Men To Avoid

Senior Dating

3 First Date Topics for Baby Boomer Men to Avoid

April Braswell

Written by: April Braswell

April Braswell

April Braswell is a senior dating expert, dating coach and professional dating profile writer. She leads dating, relationship and communication skills workshops throughout California. You can sign up for her ezine at www.AprilBraswell.com and get a free gift ecourse when you do.

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Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

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Many single baby boomer men are getting into dating again after a dry spell.

And things sure have changed since the last time you met single women and went on dates.

Sure, some things remain the same. There is still the social etiquette the man pays for the dates — certainly the first date.

However, some things are very different.

When you last went on a date, it might have been when the current scene was pushing for women to be more sensitive and open up more in early dates.

There was almost a push for being super open from the get-go.

However, since your senior lady date is a complete stranger, no matter how lovely she is, I recommend keeping the topics light.

1. Do not discuss your divorce

While some modern women will inquire about how your marriage ended, it really is too soon to divulge such personal information.

“To speak negatively of another

woman is off-putting to your date.”


Wait until you two have been on a few dates and you’re investigating exclusivity and a relationship together before doing so.

2. Do not discuss your children

Of course it is fine to mention them in a general way: “I just sent my youngest off to college in September. Now I really think I’m ready to date again.”

However, avoid discussing them and your custody with them with a woman on a first date.

Save those discussions for the woman you want a relationship with.

3. Do not diss your ex

Sure, you’re no longer married to her for good reason. However, to speak negatively of another woman at the very first meeting is off-putting to your lady date.

She might get the wrong impression that you carry a grudge or hostility toward women.

Keep things as positive as you can to avoid making that special woman feel uncomfortable or worried.

What topics do you avoid on a baby boomer first date? Leave your comments below!