Carmelia Ray Help Singles Balance Work And Dating

Men's Dating

Matchmaker Carmelia Ray Helps Singles Learn How to Balance Work and Dating

Ashayla Blakely

Written by: Ashayla Blakely

Ashayla Blakely

Ashayla Blakely is an experienced storyteller who has fun writing authentic and relatable content for As a hopeless romantic, Ashayla has always enjoyed sharing good conversation and advice about dating. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Telecommunications from the University of Florida. She is currently enrolled in the graduate program at Florida State University's film school. You can often catch her with a script in her hand, calling out the shots in her many directorial roles on set.

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Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

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The Short Version: As people advance in their careers, they discover that dating can be challenging to incorporate into their busy schedules. Some people just don’t have time to go out to a bar or scroll through different profiles on a dating app. That’s why matchmaking services are perfect for busy singles who still want to find love and rise in their careers. Celebrity matchmaker and online dating expert, Carmelia Ray, continues to help singles find true love despite all the busyness in their lives. Carmelia shares great life and dating advice through blogs, podcasts, and even books with people who need a helping hand. With her aid, singles can sit back and relax while Carmelia works her cupid magic. 

There are several reasons why people seek help from matchmakers to find a partner. Dating can feel like a chore and putting in the time and effort to go out and meet people can be exhausting. Skipping to the part where you’re happily married with two kids and a dog seems,  at times, like it’ll take forever, but with a matchmaker’s aid, you’re able to turn your dream into reality. 

Carmelia Ray, a matchmaker and online dating expert, helps people get the results they want in their dating lives. Carmelia is there to help whether that involves matching a client up with someone or sharing encouraging words and advice to get someone through their dating droughts. Since Carmelia joined the matchmaking industry she has  helped over 7,000 clients and interviewed 65,000 single people on different issues, challenges, and successes when it comes to all things dating. 

Picture of Carmelia Ray.
Matchmaker and online dating expert, Carmelia Ray.

With decades of experience, Carmelia has the right tools to help you connect, date, and get into new relationships. One of Carmelia’s goals as a matchmaker is to help her clients take their love life and professional life to the next level. Successful matchmakers should try to understand their client and their dating expectations. Carmelia said that this helps the matchmaking process go a lot smoother and achieves better results.

You’re never too busy for love, you just have to find the right person who can understand your lifestyle. Whether you’re a CEO of a Fortune 500 company or a celebrity looking for love, Carmelia has what it takes to get the job done. 

“After her guidance, I didn’t stay on the market very long lol! Even with all the craziness in the world, I still managed to meet my soon-to-be husband within a year of working with her as my love coach,” said real estate broker Nadia in a testimonial. 

Finding The One the Right Way

Dating droughts are never fun nor are they easy to pull out of. When you experience one failed date after another you start to lose hope and question whether love is in your favor. This can cause dating burnout which can lead people to eventually give up on dating altogether. Thanks to Carmelia’s guidance, daters learn how to properly overcome such an obstacle. 

The first step that Carmelia suggests for burnt-out singles is to identify why they feel the way they do. Singles feel burnt out from dating for a variety of reasons. Some may be overwhelmed with balancing both work and dating while others may feel like something in their personality is holding them back. Getting to the root of why you feel burnt out can help you come up with the proper solution. The good thing is that, with Carmelia’s assistance, you won’t have to do it alone. 

“Carmelia is more than just a coach, she is a friend who always keeps it one hundred,” said one of Carmelia’s date coaching clients in a testimonial. 

A common misconception among singles is that they have to actively date to find their special someone. But that is far from the truth, and Carmelia would attest to this. Instead of going on a series of dates, Carmelia encourages her clients to be intentional with dating.

Intentional dating leads to more promising results than when you wing it. Daters avoid wasting their time when they date intentionally and invest in those who align with what they want out of a partner.

“It’s always important to understand your feelings, emotions, and attitude when it comes to dating. Dating burnout is a real thing. I deal with a lot of clients who express being burnt out because they’re tired of swiping, they’re tired of people who are noncommittal,” said Carmelia. “There’s a lot of frustration that can go with dating. So the first thing that I will tell somebody if they’re feeling burnt out on dating is to take a pause, and to reflect and reassess.”

Learning How to Secure the Bag and Love

No one should come between you and your bag –– or at least that’s what my mom always says. The right person for you will understand how important your career is to you. The false idea that you have to give up your dream career for love is robbing singles of getting the best of both worlds. Learning how to balance both work and love is no easy task, but when you learn how to semi-master it, the results are worth it. 

But what does that look like? Managing your time is a key part of ensuring that you’re making time for your lover and your job responsibilities. Certain things, like incorporating regular date nights and making a commitment to spend quality time together are so important for a relationship to flourish.

But as a career-driven individual, you don’t want to date someone who is possessive of your time and doesn’t understand the importance of your job. 

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Carmelia shares great advice on her blogs on how busy singles can become better lovers.

“One of my favorite quotes by Sheryl Sandberg, the CEO of Facebook, is ‘The most important career choice you’ll make is the person you marry.’ I use this quote a lot when I speak to my clients,” Carmelia told us. “Your significant other, when you think about it, is your primary core relationship that impacts all areas of your life –– your health, your finances, your physical health, your mental health, and more!”

Carmelia encourages her clients to consider this factor when dating but she also advises them to avoid misconceptions and false beliefs that can hold them back from finding the one. That includes thinking that all men cheat. Having a very rigid criteria of the kind of person you want to meet can hold you back from finding love. It’s best to be open-minded and trust the process. 

Carmelia Ray’s Matchmaking Service Gets the Job Done

Carmelia has encountered a lot of different singles along the way. One of her favorite matchmaking success stories comes from a client who was planning to go on a date Carmelia had set her up with, but she dropped her phone in the toilet. The client didn’t know the location of the date or her date’s phone number, so she called Carmelia from her job and retrieved the information right away. 

Thanks to Carmelia’s due diligence, her client went on that date and is now happily married, and she and her husband have a son. To this day, she thanks Carmelia for saving her from having that relationship flushed down the toilet. Carmelia has thousands more of these types of stories. 

Luckily we can expect even more from Carmelia in the future. She told us that she plans to produce even more work to help influence and encourage singles on their dating journeys. Those busy singles who don’t want a matchmaker but still need help in the dating department can check out Carmelia’s collaboration on Love Academy. Love Academy offers great resources for singles who need dating advice. 

“A lot of times people enter the dating world and the dating space and online dating without advice, coaching, or training,” said Carmelia. “Communication is a skill, dating is a skill and even flirting is a skill. So it’s really important that you are fully confident in the process and you carve time out consistently for a better dating experience.”