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The Short Version: Sometimes, you need help understanding yourself and your partner. You can talk through your thoughts with a trusted friend, family member or a therapist. But when you want to walk the path to self-discovery on your own, tarot readings may help. Those interested in learning the mystery tarot cards hold can use the website Valaros to help them read and understand what a tarot spread foretells, and what it means for them and their relationships.
Tarot card reading can help you understand yourself better — and by extension, your relationship.
Matthias Dettmann, Founder of the Tarot website Valaros, stumbled upon tarot cards at a high school party and became fascinated with the connections between traditional card reading and modern psychology. Tarot cards are often grouped with crystal balls and tea leaf readings and written off as an illegitimate, obscure way to learn unfounded facts about yourself. But Matthias said he is confident that tarot readings can actually help you find the answers to the questions that are pressing to you.
Even if all the cards’ predictions don’t come true, the symbolism can help you analyze your own experiences to better understand your present and your future. Matthias explained the mission behind Valaros and how it can be used to help couples better understand the inner workings of their relationships.
While some view tarot as a pseudoscience, it and other traditional self-help practices are actually deeply intertwined with modern psychology. Tarot readings are useful because, like psychological practices that push the patient to analyze their own existence, the symbolism in the cards is open-ended and up to the reader’s own interpretation. Matthias said he founded the site to “motivate readers to search for answers to important life questions themselves with the help of tarot cards.” Interpreting cards is an individual process that requires digging into your own psyche and understanding how your reading fits into the context of your life and your experiences.
Like much psychological research, tarot reading can help you gain insights into your thoughts and behaviors. Think of it as a therapy session; every card you draw requires you to dig deep within yourself and consider how the card’s message is applicable to your life. Carl Jung himself studied archetypes and symbols to understand the human psyche, and cognitive behavioral therapy is meant to change thinking patterns to support your well-being.
The secret to success and happiness lies within your own head, and anything that can help you access solutions is a viable form of self-help. A tarot reading can be a great way to check in on yourself and become more aware of your thought processes. If a card conjures a negative image in your mind, there’s a reason for that, and it’s worth analyzing. Some people use journaling or therapy to examine their thought patterns — and others prefer tarot.
“In modern psychological settings, tarot cards are also increasingly used as so-called projective procedures to provide access to the unconscious processes of patients,” Matthias said. When viewed as a tool to expose your unconscious, tarot can be used for self-care and self-acceptance. It can help you come to a conclusion without over analyzing — it’s as simple as seeing a card and wondering what meaning it may hold for you. Like astrology, it’s a way to find comfort and meaning in a world that feels complex and meaningless at times.
Like therapy, tarot readings are flexible and can be applied to both individuals and couples. With your partner, you can conduct the tarot session using one or two decks. Cards from a single deck are placed alternately in front of each partner; and with two decks, one card is taken from each partner’s deck and placed in front of the relevant person.
Matthias told me that tarot readings can reveal both potential and danger in your love life, depending on the card you draw and your specific situation. “For example, the tarot card of the devil can indicate a dependent relationship in which one partner allows himself to be virtually enslaved,” Matthias said. “On the other hand, as a single the devil can symbolize high willpower to find a new partner in life.”
The messages on the cards depend on the relationship status and situation of the questioner. That’s why it’s essential to consider asking specific questions that are relevant to your situation. Questions shouldn’t be yes or no, like “should we move in together?” or “should we get married?” Inquiries should be open ended so the cards can propose different options for improving your relationship.
Tarot readings can provide a neutral space for you and your partner to openly discuss your relationship — a step that is frequently overlooked. The truth is we’re so obsessed with planning our next steps that we forget to ruminate on what is actually happening in the relationship. If your relationship is troubled at all, enter your reading with a willingness to explore solutions to improve the situation, rather than the expectation that you’ll receive immediate answers to all of your problems. And don’t worry — there isn’t a “break up” tarot card!
With your partner beside you as you receive your readings, you can think about your relationship and together figure out how the reading applies to you. Just as a tarot reading for an individual opens up the mind, tarot readings for couples foster a dialogue about the connection between each partner’s psychology, and what that means for the relationship.
Online tarot readings, like those Valaros provides, can help you get a first grasp of the symbolism of the cards. Online readings allow you to dip your toe into the world of tarot card interpretation and get answers to simple questions. And they can be a gateway for a specific spread or layout by allowing you to experiment with tarot before you spend money on an in-person reading.
While physical cards allow you to shuffle and make special contact with your subconscious, nothing beats the convenience of online tarot reading services like Valaros. When you use Valaros, you can incorporate tarot reading into your daily routine, just like some people journal or practice yoga every day. Any sort of daily mindfulness practice has proven benefits, including managing stress and coping with anxiety and depression. You can indulge with a quick trip to the Valaros website.
The website features in-depth descriptions of individual cards, a guide to angel numbers, and opportunities to get daily tarot readings and readings that fit your specific needs. Use the website to learn about love, your health, your profession, and your destiny. Valaros also features guides so you can conduct your own reading and even help your friends get in touch with their minds through tarot.
Next time you’re confronted with life’s seemingly unanswerable questions or discover yourself struggling to find meaning in your own existence, consider tapping into the depths of your subconscious by using traditional tarot-reading techniques. Matthias said he promises you’ll go about your day with more clarity and wisdom, both about your own life and about your relationship.
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