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The Short Version: Speed dating just may be the efficient, drama-free social event of the past — and the future, if Robert Ryall has anything to do with it. His company, Date in a Dash, puts a fun, creative twist on speed dating and singles events.
The anticipatory build-up of a first date can be exciting for some people, but I’m not one of them. Waiting for a first date to begin feels, to me, a lot like sitting in the dentist’s chair with your mouth wide open, waiting for the dentist to arrive. Will he poke at a cavity, or will you walk away pain-free? I know this is a pessimistic mindset, but I also know I’m not alone in this feeling.
Who wouldn’t prefer a series of pain-free dates as opposed to one long one? When done right, speed dating can be an entertaining experience that gently pushes you out of your comfort zone. Robert Ryall, founder of the speed dating service Date in a Dash, told us how his company creates speed dating events that are as accessible as they are flirty and fun.
Robert saw the financial potential of a speed dating business, but he also saw it as a great way for him to meet new people. In 2011, Date in a Dash was born. Five thousand speed dating events later, Robert has learned the ins and outs of the dating industry. He’s also learned perhaps the most important lesson in the speed dating world: Adaptation is key to success.
Speed dating is exactly what it sounds like: a way to vibe check your date within minutes and move on if you don’t feel an immediate connection.
The idea of efficient, drama-free dating appeals to a lot of us, and it’s what inspired Robert to try it out himself. Five thousand events later, Robert has become a speed dating expert. What started out as a hobby evolved into Robert’s business of 14 years and counting. He’s honed his hosting skills and created fun, inviting events for people looking for authentic romantic connections.
He highlighted the importance of the venue when setting up a speed dating event. Not only does it set the tone for the evening, but it generates conversation, and maybe even flirtation, if you’re lucky.
By having speed dating events in trendy, popular, and sought-after locations, Date in a Dash minimizes the potential blow of a date gone wrong.
“Even if the speed date is rubbish, at least they’re cool,” Robert said. “You can have a glass of wine or a cocktail, and you can dance … a lot of the places we try and find are places where there might be some live music afterwards.” There’s fun to be had even if the date doesn’t go the way you’d hoped.
When there are multiple elements to a speed dating event, it’s hard to get bored. And the host is just as important to the success of a speed dating event as the venue, Robert told us. “A charismatic host with lots of energy is really important,” he explained. A self-assured host sets a fun and comfortable tone for the evening.
Date in a Dash offers speed dating and singles parties, and Robert explained how each event caters to different personalities. “At a singles party, you’ve actually got to get out of your comfort zone, and go and talk to someone.”
Meanwhile, speed dating events do the “approach” part of dating for you. “What people love about speed dating is the fact that you get 15-20 guaranteed dates in one night,” he said. Plus, those guaranteed casual dates are only a few minutes long, which even the most timid among us should be able to handle.
“Chances are, you’re going to meet people you would never really chat with in a bar or club,” Robert told us. He emphasized, of course, how speed dating is not for everyone. Don’t be too hard on yourself if it doesn’t suit you. “Some people love it, and some people don’t,” he said.
Some people may associate speed dating with a pre-internet era, when people eagerly sought out romantic connections at dances, singles events, and bars. The advent of online dating and dating apps seemingly made these old school techniques obsolete. Is it possible for in-person dating to make a comeback?
Robert himself mentioned the uptick in news articles touting the return of classic, in-person dating methods. Maybe this shift is due to dating app fatigue, or maybe the pandemic and the ensuing isolation has something to do with it.
But now that the worst of the pandemic is (hopefully) behind us, young people may go back to their Tinder-loving, swipe-happy ways.
As a speed dating enthusiast, Robert told us how the key to operating an in-person dating business is to be adaptable. “The biggest shift after the pandemic was the younger generation,” he told us. The under 30 crowd just isn’t speed dating as much today as they were 10 years ago. “You’ve got dating apps, the cost of living crisis… everything’s just so expensive,” Robert said.
This shift has encouraged Date in a Dash to make adjustments to its approach. “We’re doing free events just to get people in larger parties on the weekend,” he explained. “We’re also trying events for all ages.” The goal is to bring a human element back into dating, something apps and websites just can’t replicate.
Gone are the days when speed dating was as simple as the chime of a bell and a few awkward conversations with strangers. Date in a Dash has transformed the process into a fun, creative experience that attracts people of all ages.
Robert described how one of Date in a Dash’s themed speed dating events, Squid Game Dating, has taken off. “It’s a mix between a pub quiz, a speed dating event, and some of the games from Squid Game,” he explained. “It’s all team-building type stuff, and you can win a cash prize.” It’s a dynamic game night that doesn’t leave much room for awkwardness or stilted small talk.
There’s also Mistletoe Mingle, Drunk Jenga, a Winter Rooftop Singles Party, and even Naked Dating, among many others. There’s something for everything, regardless of where your comfort zone begins or ends.
Creativity has become more important in recent years. “It’s getting so competitive in the market,” Robert told us. “It’s going to come down to what [the company] offers and how creative they are.”
The under-30 crowd may have retreated to the apps, but people aged 40+ have embraced speed dating, Robert told us. “Forty-plus is certainly where it’s at now, after the pandemic,” he explained.
Robert also noted a gender gap in the speed dating world. “We’ve got far more men than women,” he said. He chalked this change up to social media — “It might be down to the fact that women aren’t actively searching [speed dating] out on Google anymore … a lot of searches are now done on Instagram or Tiktok” — but there may be other factors at play.
In a post #MeToo world, many women take extra care to stay safe. One of the main allures of dating apps is how you can get to know someone without actually leaving your comfort zone. But speed dating can still become a fun night out when you take your girlfriends with you.
“A lot of girls come with friends,” Robert told us. His speed dating advice? Don’t overthink it. “We’ve never advertised as being a matchmaking service,” he explained. “We just provide a night of entertainment, a bit of fun, [and] you can meet random people.” Speed dating is a great way to get like-minded people into the same room. What happens from there on out is entirely up to you.
Robert told us how long-term relationships have flourished as a result of Date in a Dash.
“We have had eight weddings, that I know of, since we launched,” he told us.
He hopes to expand Date in a Dash to the U.S. in the next few years. Chances are, there will be a market for him, even if the return to dating apps continues to grow in popularity. Robert told us where he sees the dating industry going in the future.
“I feel like it’s going to go one of two ways,” he explained. People will either “go back to the apps or subscription-based dating sites,” or they’ll embrace the classic allure of in-person dating.
After all, there’s something special about testing compatibility in real life instead of on a dating app. It’s thrillingly human in a way virtual dating can only hope to replicate. That’s the real beauty of speed dating: It’s a happy medium between the two extremes.
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