Best Dating Sites

Looking for a dating site you can trust? Search no more.
By: Gina Stewart • 10/19/15
Say you’re ready to meet someone, but you're not quite sure how to find a girlfriend online. Fear not, that's what...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 7/20/15
First came newspaper ads (queue: do you like pina coladas?), then came video dating, then came dating sites. Now the...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 6/10/15
Rejection and online dating. Those are two terms that are pretty much synonymous....(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 5/8/15
The other day I was talking to this guy online. Conversation was flowing great. He was very intelligent and had done all...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 3/17/15
Everyone knows Tinder is superficial. We know looks are supposed to make or break the deal, but sometimes there are...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 2/19/15
Online dating certainly is a grab bag of experiences. On the one hand, you hear horror stories of psychos and...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 1/22/15
Do female-friendly dating apps even exist? You bet they do. We like to call them the anti-Tinder....(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 12/8/14
Catfishing is the process of developing a relationship and feelings for someone, but you have a delayed meeting or have...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 9/22/14
Do you think of yourself as a person living in doldrums? Are you going to have to be resigned to a life of solitude?...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 6/27/14
Whether it means to be or not, online dating is hilarious....(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 6/17/14
“I’m impressed at your ability to have tamed that tiger. What’s your secret?”...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 6/2/14
Online dating can be confusing - lots of buttons and graphics leave you wondering what to do, where to go and how to use...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 5/19/14
It’s often been bemoaned about what women have to put up with in emails from men when online dating....(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 5/1/14
There may come a time, and hopefully it does, when you want to stop online dating....(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 4/18/14
I was recently talking to another dating coach and he made an interesting comment, “Most people who are good at...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 4/3/14
Tax season is upon us, which gets everybody thinking about their bottom line. Have you thought about the cost of...(read more)
By: Gina Stewart • 3/22/14
When online dating, there is a balancing act that goes into moving from the email exchanges to a number exchange....(read more)
... and 121 more posts