Would You Wear Roach Spray

Women's Dating

Would You Wear Roach Spray?

Arica Angelo

Written by: Arica Angelo

Arica Angelo

Arica Angelo is a nation-wide dating and relationship coach, speaker and author. To find more info and find products that will quickly change your dating life, see more at www.aricaangelo.com.

Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

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I don’t know about you, but I really love perfume — I mean a lot. When I’m out meeting men, I want to make sure I’m not only looking good, but smelling good as well.

Now let me ask you a question: How attractive would I be if I opted for roach spray rather than the floral scent I usually wear?

I’m talking about good old-fashioned Raid roach spray, sprayed all over my tiny body. Oooo yes, doesn’t that just ooze sex appeal?

But do you realize most women before they go out are drenched in this roach spray?

What do I mean?

It’s the D-word you might be rocking, and it’s the same D-word that drives every man in your life away. That word is desperation.

When you carry desperation, it’s as if you’ve taken that disgusting can of Raid and sprayed it all over you.

And guess what? Single men everywhere can smell it miles away and avoid it like the plague.

Women talk a lot about guys not being bright, and while that may be true on some levels, one area they’re experts in is the area of desperation.

No guy wants a desperate woman, and despite how much floral Jo Malone you spray, the Raid you’re rocking underneath is the repellant that has them all crawling away.

“The desperation you’re exuding is the actual

reason guys are avoiding you like the plague.”

How do you know if you’re wearing bug spray?

Look at your dating life. Are you the girl the guy stops calling and texting? When you’re out with your girlfriends, do you find you’re the one constantly being skipped over?

Chances are it’s NOT the extra weight you’ve added to your tummy and thighs. It’s not that your boobs are in dire need of a lift.

The desperation you’re exuding is the actual reason guys are avoiding you like the plague.

Exchange the desperation for some, “Damn I freakin’ love myself and the guy who gets to experience this is the luckiest guy on the planet!!”

Try that for your fragrance and let me know how that new perfume works for ya!

How are you going to stop exuding desperation and start exuding confidence?