Meet The Minds Behind Love And Matchmaking

Men's Dating

Headhunting for Love: Meet the Minds Behind Love and Matchmaking 

Jules Chen

Written by: Jules Chen

Jules Chen

Jules Chen is a Texas-based writer who has been featured on feminist blogs and lifestyle magazines. She graduated from Emory University with dual degrees in English Literature and Chinese Studies. She has served as the managing editor of Lithium Magazine where she worked with a talented team of writers covering lifestyle and pop culture. Her lifestyle writing has been published at Betches, TimeOut, Adolescent Content, and Niche, Inc.

Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

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The Short Version: Matchmaking services might be a fit for you if traditional dating just hasn’t led you to the one. Rachel Federoff and Destin Pfaff, who run Love and Matchmaking, share insights on how their unique process works. As part of their personalized approach, Rachel and Destin get to know each individual, celebrate their unique personalities, and encourage growth.

The dating process today is defined by disappointment. Maybe you’ve been a victim of ghosting,, or gone on Hinge dates that just didn’t click, or you’ve been set up by friends with people you’d rather not meet again. The truth is that searching for love can be time-consuming and emotionally exhausting. 

But what if there were a way for other people to take care of the hard parts, so you could focus on the fun of falling in love?

Meet Rachel Federoff and Destin Pfaff, the pair behind Love and Matchmaking.

Globally renowned for their work on Bravo TV’s “Millionaire Matchmaker,” the real-life couple have over 20 years of combined experience helping singles find love, teaching people how to navigate online dating, and advising couples through rocky patches of their relationships.

With a success rate of 95%, Love and Matchmaking is one of the nation’s foremost matchmaking services. The company offers its services nationwide to clients who are seeking personal attention and hand-selected matches.

If you’re tired of online dating or matchmaking services filled with fake profiles, read on to learn more about Rachel and Destin’s tips for potential matchmaking clients looking for love.

How Headhunting for Love Works

The pair boast a deeply personalized outlook on dating. Love and Matchmaking clients can expect to find their personalized matchmaker team doing the hard work it takes to hand-select partners. They don’t rely on outdated records of low-quality matches – a method Destin calls “database dating.”

So how does their approach to matchmaking differ from those of other popular companies out there? “We’re about quality versus quantity. It’s about the one, not the ones. We don’t just throw you a bunch of dates every week, and we don’t promise that,” explains Rachel. 

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Love and Matchmaking takes a compassionate and discreet introductions approach.

“Other matchmakers rest on their databases. They assume that they can just have clients date each other and that they’re going to have somebody for everybody in that pool. But that’s not always the case.” 

The process is not easy, but for Love and Matchmaking clients, it’s worth it. Rachel and Destin’s intensive process involves travel, research, and meeting face-to-face with potential matches. They take pride in the time they spend getting to know their clients because they understand that behind the profiles are real people. 

“We spend hours talking with our clients,” shares Rachel. “There’s no stone left unturned with us. It means sitting down with the client and really getting to know them, not telling them to just fill out a form.” 

Working with Unique Individuals

Because Love and Matchmaking takes the time to delve into client backgrounds, they’re proud of the different types of people they’ve had the pleasure of helping.

“To be a matchmaker, you have to really understand people. It’s like being a social archaeologist,” said Destin. And matching so many kinds of people is a skill that not many other matchmakers can boast of.

“Because we really get under the hood of their car, we have found ourselves working with a lot of clientele who are very unique and special individuals, such as clients who are virgins. Clients recommend or refer us out to people that have some sort of challenge like they did, because we took the time to listen,” said Destin.

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Rachel, Destin, and their team work closely with clients.

Repeat clients and referrals make it evident that Rachel and Destin’s approach is committed to treating all clients with the same level of respect and dedication. Love and Matchmaking’s process is one that acknowledges and celebrates different personalities, quirks, and desires. 

“People are complicated creatures. We’re not Build-a-Bear or Amazon–we work with actual human beings. For us, it’s so much deeper than ‘I want a guy who’s between five nine and six four, with blonde hair and a tan,’” said Rachel.

Matchmakers: Are They Like Therapists? 

If you’ve ever seen a therapist, you’ll understand that finding someone who can work closely with you to analyze your innermost thoughts is no easy feat.

Finding a matchmaker – someone who can assist you throughout the sensitive, vulnerable, and often uncomfortable process of dating – is no different. 

“If you’re looking for a therapist to help you, you’re going to want to find the best possible person. A matchmaker is very similar in that regard,” agreed Rachel. 

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Singles should find a matchmaking service aligned with their values and expectations.

She continued, “Your journey to find love is delicate, important, and a very big deal! So you really want to interview the matchmaker and get to know them. Are they humanitarian? Are they empathetic? Or are they just trying to make a quick buck?”

For all their similarities to therapists, however, matchmakers aren’t here to “fix” you. “Before you start looking into matchmaking or dating, make sure you’re healthy and ready,” said Rachel. 

Maybe that work looks like seeking additional therapy to resolve trauma that could prevent you from opening up to your date, or maybe it means getting into a better exercise routine to ward off insecurities that may cloud sex with a new partner. 

Whatever it is, Love and Matchmaking encourages you to pursue it.  “You should be doing self-care first. Maybe you’ve let go of some of that baggage or worked on some of that baggage, so you can be the best person to be no matter who you work with,” said Rachel.

What to Look For to Find Your Matchmaker Fit 

The matchmaking industry grows daily, with worldwide revenue expected to reach $4.07 billion this year. In a crowded market, cutting through the noise to discover the right matchmaker fit for you can be daunting.

 But Rachel and Destin have further advice – as well as words of warning — as you consider whether working with a matchmaker is right for you. 

love and matchmaking matchmakers
Great matchmakers help clients through the journey.

With the increase in individuals looking for love and the rise in popularity of matchmaking, vetting who you work with is more important than ever. 

“Do your homework and look up what that matchmaking service is about,” said Rachel. “Does it align with what you’re looking for? If you just want a bunch of dates, for instance, then we’re not the right place for you. If you’re wanting something that’s real and authentic, we may be what you’re looking for.”

The pair encourages potential clients to do their own thorough research and consider factors like personal ideology, history, and past client reviews. Remember, you have full agency to make your own informed decisions. 

“At the end of the day, you’re putting your money, time, and trust into somebody that you want to put your money, time, and trust into. Take time and go with your gut,” said Destin.

Love Makes a Difference

If you’re starting to feel like it’s time to give up, it may actually be time to give matchmaking a chance. But, as Rachel points out, there are a lot of matchmakers out there. “There are matchmakers that just matched their best friend with someone, so now they think they can do it with everyone.”

But you can trust that you’ll be in experienced, compassionate hands with Love and Matchmaking. “We’ve been doing this for so long now, and we’ve done this for everyone from their twenties all the way to their nineties, all across and nation and even internationally,” said Destin. 

love and matchmaking
Dating can be challenging – don’t give up!

What sets Love and Matchmaking’s approach apart from the rest is the unfailing hope Destin and Rachel have for their clients, and their belief that it’s never too late to find love. 

“The common denominator among all these people we’ve worked with is that love really makes a difference,” continued Destin. “But don’t give up or be disillusioned. If you don’t put yourself out there, if you don’t audition for the role, you’re never going to get the part.”

Love and Matchmaking does the legwork to connect you to someone compatible instead of promising a date that may go poorly. With Rachel and Destin, finding the perfect partner is worth it. Check out the services at Love and Matchmaking today to discover what the difference will look like for you.