Dating Site Headlines For Women

Women's Dating

9 Tips for the Best Dating Site Headlines for Women

Karen Belz

Written by: Karen Belz

Karen Belz

Over the last 10 years, Karen Belz has written for dating and lifestyle sites such as Zoosk, Bolde, and Elite Singles. She started her career as a professional writer by helping launch HelloGiggles in 2011. Karen graduated from Millersville University of Pennsylvania, majoring in Broadcasting with a minor in Print Media Studies. She is now happily married and believes that healthy communication is the key to all successful relationships. You can follow her on Threads @karenbelz.

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Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

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Writing can be stressful at times, especially when you’re tasked with writing about yourself. That’s why it’s common for many of us to freeze up when trying to write dating site headlines. 

A good dating site headline can convince a potential partner to start a connection. Sometimes, just a few words can go a long way. But, if you’re too nervous about what to say, you might convince yourself that dating apps aren’t for you and miss out on potentially meeting your other half. Here are some tips to take some of the fear out of penning your profile header. 

1. Take a Deep Breath

Remember, dating sites are meant to be fun and shouldn’t cause feelings of dread. It’s important to take a deep breath, relax, and remember that you have so much to offer someone. Sometimes, your entire mood can be portrayed within your writing, so it’s important to start by being calm.

If you’re feeling frustrated that you haven’t had any luck prior to this attempt, you can accidentally end up sounding aggressive in your headline. Remind yourself that you’re doing this for yourself and that sometimes, the perfect match is worth waiting for. 

2. Look For Other Examples to Follow

If you’re the type of person who works best with examples, you may want to search the dating site of your choice and study how other women are presenting themselves. What do you like about those headlines? Are there any you find to be difficult? What attracts you, personally, to other people’s headlines?

Sometimes, the best way to summarize your personality is to say exactly what you’re looking for. If something attracts you to someone’s dating profile, you’re likely to connect with a like-minded individual if you use the same approach.

Photo of a dating profile
Bring up specific interests and opinions in your profile to draw in like-minded matches.

For example, are you drawn to headlines that reference pop culture? Then, that may be a good starting point. Think about your favorite movie or TV show, and throw in a reference that other fans may understand. You may attract people who share at least one similar interest right off the bat.

Humor is also popular — if you try to be funny, you’re showcasing that you’d make a fun date. If someone is nervous about jumping back into the dating pool and sees your funny headline, they’ll likely assume a date with you will be on the light and fun side.

3. Reread Your Headline Out Loud

Sometimes, things sound better in our heads than they do when they’re out in the world. Check and make sure your headline doesn’t have any typos or grammatical errors, and make sure it’s not missing any words. Reading it out loud is a great exercise. When it comes to dating profiles, small errors can be enough for a person to swipe left. Proofread your writing and make sure your headline isn’t giving off the wrong impression of who you are. 

4. Don’t Let Negativity Seep In

Pessimism can be a huge turnoff for people looking to meet their match. If you’ve been single for some time, you may unknowingly project negativity in your headline and profile.

Writing a dating headline like “Guess I’ll give this a shot” makes it look like you’ve already given up on the mission to connect with others. 

If you’re fresh out of a turbulent relationship, you’ll also want to make sure you don’t bring it into your online dating headline, or any part of your profile.  So, try to skip the “I’m Done With Cheaters And Liars” headline and instead, reframe it as “Looking For An Honest Relationship And Incredible Connection.” 

Leave the past in the past, and try not to punish future matches for the heartache brought on by someone else.

5. Don’t Be Mean-Spirited 

There’s a difference between honesty and rudeness. If you state anywhere in your headline or profile that you “refuse to date a single dad,” that says more about your personality than your preferences around children. It shows that you’re quick to dismiss others, and might be a bit close-minded when it comes to meeting new people.

Closeup side profile portrait upset sad skeptical unhappy serious woman talking texting on phone displeased with conversation isolated city background. Negative human emotion face expression feeling
Negativity does not belong on a dating profile headline.

It may also make the single dads out there give up on their pursuit of happiness if they feel like they’re not desirable. You can slip in information about being child-free on your profile if it’s important, but you shouldn’t try taking down an entire group of singles without knowing anything else about them or their situation. 

6. Think About What You Like

Is it your quick wit? Or the fact that you happen to know all of the United States in alphabetical order? If you have a quirk, this might be the best time to let it show. As far as dating site headlines go, there’s no “one size fits all” — to find a quality partner you’re compatible with, it’s OK to be genuinely you. If you’re having trouble thinking about your best qualities, just ask your best friend — or even your parents, if you have a good relationship with them. They know you best and can likely name a ton of positive attributes about you in an instant.

Something like “Self-Proclaimed Scrabble Champion Looking To Meet Her Match” will likely get attention and will tell other users a lot about you without saying much at all. If you can’t think of something, tap into your neighborhood — what do you like about it? “I Live Between Two Starbucks And I Never Plan On Moving” reveals that you’re a coffee-lover with a sense of humor. 

7. Keep Things Clean

In other words, if you’d be embarrassed for your grandmother to read it, that’s a sign that you should rethink your words. There are all kinds of romantic relationships out there, but even if you’re primarily looking for something sexual and brief, you don’t want to make it seem like that’s all you have to offer a person. Plus, the people who connect may not have your safety and well-being in mind. You may want to wait until your face-to-face date to broach those conversations, depending on how well it’s going.

8. Try to Avoid Clichés

We’ve all heard about people enjoying “long walks on the beach.” Unless you can take that cliché and make it your own, your dating profile may get lost in the swiping shuffle. Remember, online dating is all about standing out, and your headline is often the first thing people see.

senior couple
Try to think beyond the usual dating stereotypes when putting your profile together.

If you do use a common dating headline (such as “Looking For Someone Who Lives Life To The Fullest” or “Looking For My Partner In Crime”) try to put a unique spin on it. What’s a life goal you have? Add that in, and turn “Looking For Someone Who Lives Life To The Fullest” into “Looking For Someone To Tour Rome With On A Small Budget.”

Likewise, you can take “Looking For My Partner In Crime” and spin it to say “Looking For A Partner Who Can Double As My Weekend Movie Buddy.” In short, take things one step further and add a personalized spin. 

9. Try a Writing Exercise

You’ve likely seen how companies often have slogans attached to their products. Think about what your slogan would be. Take the dating aspect out of it and think primarily about marketing to help the writer’s block you’re facing. In a way, it’s quite similar — you’re advertising yourself to an audience, and you want to grab their attention.

Think about what you have to offer, and try to work it into a headline. You can even embrace your minor faults to show that you’re a human with a little self-awareness. “Charming, Clumsy Girl Looking For More Stability” can be read in two ways, and will likely cause a few curious clicks. 

Put Your Best Words Forward on Your Dating Profile

Writing profile headlines can be daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll become a natural. Just remember that honesty will make each new connection start on the right foot. Never try to paint yourself as someone you aren’t and embrace your differences. Someone out there is looking for a partner just like you, so you need to make yourself seen.