Swingers App Non Monogamy Digital

Online Dating

How a Swingers App Is Bringing Non-Monogamy Into The Digital Age

Emma Patterson

Written by: Emma Patterson

Emma Patterson

Emma has been a professional writer for nearly a decade now. She has a degree in English and Creative Writing from Fredonia State University. Her background in satirical journalism and human interest content helps her approach the dating world with humor and heart. She has gotten her byline featured on Tasting Table, Boredom Therapy, Her Moments, and Eternally Sunny, among other media outlets. When she’s not writing, she’s either reading, watching a movie, or losing at bar trivia.

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Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

Reviewed by: Shanna Ellis

Shanna Ellis

Shanna Ellis has spent over a decade working at online publications as writer, editor, and director of content. The online brands under her leadership have seen coverage from Forbes, USA Today, and Insider. She holds a BA in Advertising and minor in Communication Studies from the University of Florida. Her role for DatingAdvice includes conducting insightful interviews with dating professionals and covering news stories in the industry.

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The Short Version: GroupFun is exactly what it sounds like: An app that connects people who want to have meaningful, sexy fun with each other. With its intuitive algorithm and cutting-edge features, GroupFun brings a much-needed technological boost to the non-monogamy scene. Whether you’re a swinger, part of a throuple, or in a poly relationship, you can find a welcoming community on GroupFun.

Swingers are nymphomaniacs. Swingers want to have casual sex with everyone. Non-monogamous relationships are just a fancy way of cheating on your spouse. 

If you believe any of these statements, you’re in for a rude awakening, courtesy of the app GroupFun

“There are all different types of people in this community, and I think the ‘regular’ people come in contact with (the other) people in this community and realize (they’re) just like them,” said Fabio Swing-Marcos, CEO of GroupFun. “They’re living really happy, healthy, loving lifestyles.”

Group Fun logo
GroupFun is a sex-positive swingers app for anyone who lives the poly or non-monogamous lifestyle.

Instead of researching the community and seeing how it works, people have chosen to throw stones. “The pushback to accept (non-monogamy) comes from fear,” Fabio explained. 

GroupFun’s dedication to open-mindedness means it isn’t strictly a swingers site or a throuple site. It welcomes pretty much anyone, so long as they adhere to the poly/non-monogamous lifestyle. 

At its core, GroupFun is an educational resource as well as a dating site about swinging and polyamory that helps like-minded people connect and bring their fantasies to life.  

The Modern-Day Swinger

Most would-be swingers start their journey with a certain (usually false) impression of what swingers look like and how they behave. This is partly why Fabio started the non-monogamous dating app in the first place. 

“(The swinger community) seemed like a shunned aspect, or niche in the dating community,” Fabio told us. “There was nothing out there that really catered to this community.” 

We Swing On Group Fun
Couples don’t have to hide their non-monogamous tendencies from each other on GroupFun.

Fabio realized that he could fill this gap with an intuitive, technologically advanced interface for the modern swinger. “With our technical knowledge and our past experience, we figured this would be a really great fit,” he explained. 

Gone are the days when curious couples searched “swingers near me” and found decades-old websites that were woefully behind the times. 

The goal was not only to create an up-to-date website for the modern non-monogamy community, but to stand out as an industry leader in the process. “We provide a really useful tool, and that’s how we’re trying to differentiate ourselves from anyone else,” Fabio told us. 

By opening the app up to multiple diverse identities, Fabio keeps GroupFun in the future. 

Fabio assured us that GroupFun’s inclusivity is part of what makes it so special — and so cutting-edge. “We’re an inclusive community,” he said. “We’re one of the few sites that’s trans welcoming.” 

Lipstick on collar image from GroupFun
You can easily connect with other swingers via GroupFun thanks to its unique algorithm.

“We figured we could give the community better tools and a better user interface,” Fabio added. Doing so should lead to a “better overall experience that will gain the market share that we want to get in order for this to be sustainable.” 

According to Fabio, the goal is for GroupFun to become one of the go-to sites for swingers in the dating industry. It achieves this not only with its accessible and navigable user interface, but with its dedication to non-monogamous couples. 

By catering solely to couples in the non-monogamous space, GroupFun makes it easier for curious couples to connect with other like-minded pairs, as opposed to singles.  

GroupFun’s algorithm is uniquely attuned to the lifestyle. It weeds out the singles from the actual swinger couples. “People can fine-tune their preferences, and then it’s our goal to connect like-minded people,” he told us. “We’ve slowed down the algorithm.” This means users can opt into certain people and not others, which ensures that like-minded couples stay connected.

GroupFun’s Demo Is More Diverse Than Ever

Community is everything for swingers, which is why demographics are so important at GroupFun. If the app overcrowds with just one type of identity — say, cis males — then they’ll end up diluting the diversity that made the app special. This doesn’t mean single cis males aren’t welcome, just that other identities deserve representation as well. 

Overall, it’s important to remember that swingers are couples who match up with other couples, not singles (at least, not usually). It’s totally fine if you want to be someone’s third, as throuples are welcome in the GroupFun community. But it’s always better for you to join in as a dedicated participant, not just as someone swinging by (no pun intended) for a quickie (unless you’ve gotten the go-ahead from your partners).  

GroupFun app users
GroupFun fosters a diverse, inclusive community made up of likeminded couples, not single people.

According to Fabio, too many singles on GroupFun can make the poly vibe a little difficult to achieve, and could even make it harder for couples to connect with other couples. “We’re working really hard to make an inclusive community for people who don’t want (a dating site) that has a lot of dudes and gets bombarded,” he said. 

Sometimes, women participate in swinging or non-monogamy because they want to explore their sexuality and/or find empowerment, even control, in sex. This is harder to achieve when the app is crawling with single cis men. 

Obviously, not every cis male trolls GroupFun for hookups; it’s just something Fabio has picked up on in recent years. 

“There are a lot of cis males who join these types of sites, and we don’t want it to become an outsized disproportion,” Fabio summed up. “It’s a balancing act.” 

GroupFun couples
As the community of non-monogamous couples grows, so too does GroupFun.

In other words, whether you’re a single male or a single female or somewhere in between, you’re welcome to join GroupFun as long as you respect the lifestyle.

And all over the world, people are in search of discreet ways to let their non-monogamous flags fly. In the UK particularly, Fabio noticed a gap in the non-monogamous dating world that he knew GroupFun could fill. The goal is to bring the UK swingers community into the modern era. 

“There’s a massive (swingers) community in the UK and they don’t have a great solution right now,” he explained. “There are sites out there, but they’re really dated. We’re hoping (GroupFun) gives people an option to have a much better user experience.”

A Sense of Community Makes GroupFun For Everyone

Whether you consider yourself to be a swinger, part of a throuple, or part of any kind of poly relationship, chances are you’ve encountered your share of ridicule from narrow-minded people. That’s why it’s essential that sites like Group Fun maintain a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere. 

Fabio knows his site could very well be the first glimpse people get into the swinger lifestyle. 

“There are a lot of couples out there who are curious about the lifestyle,” Fabio explained. His biggest advice for first-time users? Simply be respectful. 

Man laughing with two women wearing sunglasses
GroupFun is a space for open-minded people who want to experiment with swinging, polyamory, and other forms of non-monogamy. No judgement here.

Swingers depend on each other to keep the community alive and well, so a respectful attitude is a must. “People on the site want to help the community as a whole,” he pointed out. 

GroupFun is a safe, non-judgmental space for people who have questions about non-monogamy. It’s an equally important resource for people who have become fixtures in the community and are happy to share their wisdom. 

“You see a lot of interactions with people who are new to it and they’re learning about it. And then we have users who have been using the product for a while and they are ambassadors to the lifestyle,” Fabio explained. “(They) guide newbies without pressuring them.” 

Sure, some swingers are all about releasing inhibitions and embracing (literally) the non-monogamous lifestyle. But others prefer a slow and steady pace that ensures everyone involved is heard. The slow-and-steady approach is what helps build community — and it’s the backbone of ethical non-monogamy.

GroupFun SwipeFun couples flirting
GroupFun encourages ethical non-monogamy so everyone can swing with comfort and ease.

Ethical non-monogamy is the practice of being open, vocal, and clear with your partner(s) when it comes to consent in non-monogamous relationships. Fabio is particularly proud of the GroupFun community for upholding ethical non-monogamy.

“There was nobody mandating (ethical non-monogamy), (so) it’s really helpful for the community to have those types of conversations up-front.” It’s better to know your boundaries at the beginning of the process than in the heat of the moment. 

Fabio’s advice for curious couples is probably similar to his advice for anyone outside the GroupFun world: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” 

If mainstream groups would listen to the stories of groups outside the mainstream, like swingers and poly relationships, there would be much less of a stigma. “The more interactions the ‘regular’ dating community has with (the non-monogamous) community, the better,” Fabio said. 

Why begrudge someone the happiness they deserve? “This lifestyle makes the people who are participating in it happy,” Fabio told us.