Find Love With Date For 2

Men's Dating

Find Love the Old-Fashioned Way With a Pro Matchmaker

Sophia Peyser

Written by: Sophia Peyser

Sophia Peyser

Sophia Peyser studies English and Creative Writing at Emory University. She has read extensively about dating, written passionately about love, and imparted friends with unsolicited (but well-researched) dating advice. With a background in journalism and content writing, Sophia loves writing about the tools singles can use to ensure both happiness and safety in their relationships.

Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian Guevara-Castro brings more than 30 years of journalism experience to ensure DatingAdvice articles have been edited for overall clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement. She has worked at The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Gwinnett Daily News, and The Gainesville Sun covering lifestyle topics.

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The Short Version: Date for 2 is a professional matchmaking service dedicated to bringing more love into the world. We spoke with matchmaker Maya Schaareman about how the match process works and what singles can do to get results in their dating life.

Looking for love on dating apps can be exhausting. Spending hours swiping, with no success, through surface-level profiles is time-consuming. Building a lasting connection through an assortment of photos and prompts can feel impossible at times.

In a recent survey, 79% of Gen Z respondents reported feeling dating app burnout

Luckily, matchmaking has emerged as an alternative to online dating. Date for 2 is a Netherlands-based matchmaking service for educated, self-confident individuals aged 25 and older. 

Many of the company’s clients are hardworking, busy professionals who don’t have time to spend hours swiping on Tinder or hanging out at bars looking for a fun date. 

Maya Schaareman became an owner of Date for 2 after her own positive matchmaking experience inspired her to provide a personalized, hands-on approach to matchmaking.

She runs the company with the hope that people will find meaningful connections and long-lasting relationships, through the business’s international network of matchmakers and matches

Maya views her team of matchmaking consultants as detectives, all of whom use their past experience to match the perfect pair. 

According to Maya, Date for 2 approaches matchmaking by focusing on delivering quality matches within the first month by using a combination of modern matchmaking techniques and traditional matchmaking principles. 

Date for 2 Helps Selective Individuals Date Seriously 

Part of what makes Date for 2 so great is the selectivity provided throughout the process. It’s great for busy people looking for like-minded partners because it allows clients to delegate the dating search to professional matchmakers. 

Date for 2’s international network also makes it a great place to meet vetted singles from other countries. Maya understands the struggles of moving within a country or a region and trying to date people in a new area. She leaned on a matchmaking service for help in 2017 and found her partner. 

date for 2
Date for 2 is an ideal matchmaking service for commitment-minded singles.

As a matchmaker, Maya brings empathy for expats and other professionals relocating and looking for love in a new place. That’s why Date for 2 is a great dating option for people who are anticipating a move or looking ahead to a period of long-term travel. 

Beyond the in-depth matchmaking process, the website includes open advertisements, where you can see another single’s brief bio, interests, and a list of what they seek in a relationship. 

Think of it as a dating app profile, but far more fleshed out. These advertisements provide relationship seekers with the chance to write about themselves and their interests.

That means other singles learn about their priorities straight from them. 

The website also features a speed dating section. Singles can join low-stakes online events and speed date other singles with the help of Date for 2’s matchmaker hosts. 

Find Love in a Few Easy Steps With Date for 2 

The matchmaking process may sound intimidating, but Date for 2 makes it easy. Maya broke the process down into four simple steps: 

1. Meet your matchmaker

Before becoming a member, prospective clients have a non-committal introduction meeting with a matchmaker. The matchmaker explains the company’s background and the process, and you can also describe your background and what you expect from the collaboration. 

2. Intake

If the client and matchmaker pair well, the matchmaker conducts an in-depth interview which gives Date for 2 insight into the client’s standards, values, and criteria for dating.

At this stage, the client will also take a personality test, to give the matchmaker some understanding of their character. Then, the matchmaker builds a profile, which allows them to make qualitatively good matches. 

3. Matching

After the intake, the matchmaking consultants start searching for like-minded individuals based on the client’s profile. If the compatibility between the two is high, the matchmakers propose the pair to both singles. If the pair is approved by both daters, they agree to the match and exchange information. 

Matchmaking has been around for a while and is still a choice for modern daters.

Then, it’s time to go on a date! If the date goes well, Date for 2 steps aside and allows romance to take the wheel. If the two singles don’t vibe like the matchmakers hoped, the process restarts. 

4. Coaching and support

Throughout the process, consultants are available for dating coaching, so clients feel comfortable with meeting new people romantically. If something is hampering your dating experience, Date for 2 is here to support clients through anything. 

Quick Tips for Finding the Perfect Match

Maya offered tips for people undergoing the matchmaking process. She underscored the importance of both trusting the matchmaker and trusting the matchmaking process. If the matchmaking consultant is under pressure to hastily find a match, they may not deliver the best result. 

Successful dating takes time and effort, and it can’t be rushed. Some suggestions:

— People in the matchmaking process can benefit from having an open mind when it comes to a potential partner. It can be eye-opening to date somebody with a completely different life experience. 

— Matchmaking clients have more options when they’re open to dating somebody from a different country, a different religion, or even a different age group. 

open mindedness
Stay open-minded to new people and experiences while you date.

— When going on a first date with a match, go in without preconceived notions about the person clouding your judgment. 

— While the age of digital dating has made us accustomed to doing extensive online research on first dates, matchmaking services like Date for 2 provide clients with the comfort of knowing their date is vetted. No need to stalk your match’s Instagram before the first meeting! 

— Finally, going on dates can lead to rejection, which is particularly painful when you feel like you clicked with the person.  But a successful relationship requires both parties to feel the spark. If one person doesn’t feel it, the pairing simply isn’t going to work, so stay calm and optimistic throughout the process. 

Fortunately, the Date for 2 network is vast and reputable, and the hardworking consultants will have another match queued up in no time. 

Date for 2 Modernizes a Traditional Dating Style 

Before dating apps gained popularity, matchmaking had been used for centuries to set up couples. Outsourcing the dating work to experts is a great way to date in a way that’s thoughtful, intentional, and not all-consuming. 

date for 2
Date for 2 guides clients along every step of matchmaking.

Further, Date for 2 and other matchmaking services bring a level of depth to dating that’s forfeited in most dating apps. The company offers a far more personal, traditional approach to dating, that allows people to ensure that their values line up with those of their potential partner before they meet. 

Even better, Date for 2’s online presence and variety of opportunities, like speed dating and open advertisements, makes finding a match easy and accessible.