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Men's Dating
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This may seem like a foreign concept to many men in dating today – but it’s true that a lady will actually help you and encourage you when she likes you. You see, I think many men have these falsehoods in their heads:
Here’s the deal — and this may seem like Captain Obvious has just dropped into your article, but women are not idiots (like some guys think they are). No, quite the opposite, my friend.They are so far ahead of many guys in dating and relationships that they can take a nap while you sprint to catch up.
You see, some guys think that women have no idea what they like and don’t like – and guess what? They do.
The problem is guys have watched enough bad romantic comedies where the guy starts out as the 97th choice (at best) in her life and magically, when the credits roll, he is the man of her dreams. And they are about to move to a cottage in Maine, have eight children, and/or start a business together.
I’d like to write a REAL romantic comedy. Except, it would not have a happy ending for the hero. My version starts out the same: He’s 97th choice, and he hangs in there and becomes her closest confidante. And as the credits roll, you see him getting up to the buffet line first at her wedding since she put him at the head table. You can see him glumly chewing on his prime rib as she dances with her new husband.
Women know when they first meet you whether you have a shot or not. I call it the Physical Attraction Test. You can call it chemistry, fireworks, or a spark. But she must start out thinking: “Yeah, he’s got a shot.” You can, of course, blow it — and throughout my coaching practice, I have heard many stories of guys who have started out strong and finished with a reservation at the heartbreak hotel — but that’s another story for another article.
Here’s the bottom line: When talking about the female interest level, you fall on her scale somewhere between 0% to 100% attraction. The closer to 100% she starts out at, the better off you are. Say, she likes shorter guys with dark hair, and you are the King of Sweden. Then you are out because you are too tall and too blond for her. And it doesn’t matter what you say or do or give – she is not attracted to you. You’re not her type.
However, if you do pass her Physical Attraction Test, she will – wait for it — actually make it easy for you to go out with her. This is true in most cases.
She will answer your calls, accept dates, laugh at your jokes, touch your arm, and talk about going out with you in the future — and (dare to dream) you may actually have fun and be able to relax in the presence of a woman who clearly wants you around her.
I told you this article would run counter to all the bad advice out there that suggests that it would be easier to wrestle a bear who thinks you want their food than it is to establish a good relationship with a woman.
It’s not going to be difficult to get in a relationship with a woman who likes you back. You don’t have to climb Mount Everest backward with nothing but half a sports drink and a windbreaker – which is how it feels when you are trying to convince a woman with a 34% interest level in you to go out with you.
If you remember nothing else from anything you read when it comes to my book “TheSystem/Dating Dictionary” please remember this:
Women help you when they like you.
That phrase alone can save you a ton of time and money. Internalize it now!
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